Interactive network map – 66 important jihadist accounts
Analysing extremist networks

Interactive network map – 66 important jihadist accounts

This graphic was developed as part of the follow-up the the assessment 66 accounts listed by Shumukh al-Islam jihadi Forum member Ahmad ‘Abdallah as ‘important jihadist’ members on twitter.

In this follow-up piece we sought to find out about these accounts as a group and provide an interactive network map to show the links between these ‘important jihadist’ twitter accounts.

The full post is available on Jihadica, here

An interactive version of this network map showing the links between 66 ‘important jihadist’ twitter accounts is available here

Infographic – 66 Jihadist accounts on Twitter

This graphic was originally published as part of a series of posts on Jihadica analysing a post on the Shumukh al-Islam forum recently which provided a “Twitter Guide” (dalil Twitter).

This ‘guide’ outlined reasons for using Twitter as an important arena of the electronic ribat; identified the different types of accounts which users could follow; and highlighted 66 users which Ahmad ‘Abdallah termed “The most important jihadi and support sites for jihad and the mujahideen on Twitter”.

The original post is available here